En favorit sedan flera år tillbaka är Chris Martenson. Vem är då Chris?
En beskrivning som Chris gör av sig själv på Peak Prosperity är rätt talande:
"Before: I am a 40-year-old professional who has worked his way up to Vice President of a large, international Fortune 300 company and is living in a waterfront, 5 bathroom house in Mystic, CT, which is mostly paid off. My three young children are either in or about to enter public school, and my portfolio of investments is being managed by a broker at a large institution. I do not really know any of my neighbors, and many of my local connections are superficial at best".
"After: I am a 50-year-old who has willingly terminated his former high-paying, high-status position because it seemed like an unnecessary diversion from the real tasks at hand. My children are now homeschooled, and the big house in Mystic was sold in July of 2003 in preference for a modest homestead in rural western Massachusetts. In 2002, I discovered that my broker was unable to navigate a bear market, and I’ve been managing our investments ever since. I grow a garden every year; preserve food, know how to brew beer & wine, and raise chickens. I’ve carefully examined each support system (food, energy, security, etc), and for each of them I've figured out either a means of being more self-sufficient or a way to do without. But, most importantly, I now know that the most important descriptor of wealth is not my dollar holdings, but the depth and richness of my community".
Chris lyckas alltid på ett pedagogiskt och inspirerande sätt väva samman vår tids stora utmaning; bristen på ett helhetstänkande kring energi, ekonomi och hållbarhet. Nedanstående färska presentation från Wine Country Conference 2014 (1-2 maj) bjuder på mycket godis och slående exempel som är svåra att värja sig ifrån. Har man inte redan tagit till spaden, är det hög tid efter man sett denna cocktail shaker!
Hur som helst, fram med popcornen och spänn fast säkerhetsbältet, för det blir mycket på en gång!
Trevlig lördag!
"Den kommande Välståndsöverföringen"
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