
Oljebarometern -21 Juni

Peak Oil måste läsas

To power up or power down? That is the question, Brendan Barrett, Resilience.org, 20 Juni 2013

BP oil still here, Louisiana says, UPI, 20 Juni 2013

New oil talks, but no sign of compromise, Ben va Heuvelen & Iraq Oil Report, Iraq Oil Report, 20 Juni 2013


Som om inte PRISM/NSA-cirkusen var nog...

Traders Try to Game Platts Oil-Price Benchmarks, Justin Scheck & Jenny Gross, The Wall Street Journal, 19 Juni 2013

Hong Kong’s cramped housing ignites photographers’ muse, Vanessa Ko, SmartPlanet, 20 Juni 2013

Utvecklingen i Iran 

India’s Energy Ties With Iran Unsettle Washington, Financial Sense, 18 Juni 2013

Iran celebrates Rouhani's presidential win
Aljazeera, 16 Juni 2013

Det nya Kina

Fitch says China credit bubble unprecedented in modern world history, Ambrose Evams-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 16 Juni 2013

China Manufacturing Hits a Nine-Month Low, William Kazer, The Wall Street Journal, 19 Juni 2013 

Energi, Teknik & Övrigt

World Bank sounds climate alarmUPI, 19 Juni 2013

Tesla Motors fortsätter att måla om elbilskartan och röra om i bilbranschen, alla tvivlare till trots. 

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